Aquecedor de asfalto TICAB Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture novo

aquecedor de asfalto TICAB Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture novo
aquecedor de asfalto TICAB Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture novo
aquecedor de asfalto TICAB Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture novo imagem 2
aquecedor de asfalto TICAB Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture novo imagem 3
aquecedor de asfalto TICAB Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture novo imagem 4
aquecedor de asfalto TICAB Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture novo imagem 5
aquecedor de asfalto TICAB Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture novo imagem 6
aquecedor de asfalto TICAB Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture novo imagem 7
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€ 11000
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≈ $ 11970
€ 13200
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Marca: TICAB
Modelo: Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture
Ano: 2025
Localização: Polónia Rzeszow , Poland7629 km de si
Data de publicação: hoje
Machineryline ID: BR27496
Estado: novo
Informação adicional
Cor: verde
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Informação adicional — Aquecedor de asfalto TICAB Asphalt Pothole Patching Machine / Pothole Patcher, Manufacture novo

Asphalt Patching Equipment MIRA-3 by TICAB TM is a unique road repair system developed by TICAB engineers for optimization of road patching works. MIRA-3 machine includes infrared asphalt heater,
asphalt recycler and bitumen emulsion sprayer.

How to use MIRA-3 machine:
Heating of the repair place;
Add a hot asphalt from the asphalt recycler;
Spraying the bitumen emulsion.

MIRA-3 includes:
Infrared Asphalt Heater MIRA-3;
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer BS-100;
Asphalt Recycler RA-500

- Supplying capacity: 3 gas cylinders. (Gas cylinders are not included!)
- Gas consumption: 6,5-8,5 kg/h (depending on the outside temperature).
- Fuel: propane gas.
- Heating surface: 1000*1800 mm
- Productivity: up to 100 sq.m./7 h
- Weight: 180 kg
Effective in the repair of:
• Potholes.
• Raising manhole and utility covers.
• Failed pavement joints.
• Joint repair: concrete and asphalt.

Effective in the repair of:
• Potholes.
• Raising manhole and utility covers.
• Failed pavement joints.
• Joint repair: concrete and asphalt.
• Dips in the road/parking lot.


• Power block (Petrol Engine HONDA GX-160, air-cooled - 3.6 кWt).
• Gear pump.
• Diesel cleaning system.
• Gear reducer.
• Safety valve (bypass)
•Tank 100 L
• Weight (without emulsion) – 180 kg.

•4-stage cleaning system.
•The power block can be detached from the frame and installed on a different transport platform.
•Universal assembly system.
•Built-in heating system (gas propane burner).

Recycler RA-500

Productivity: 2000-2500 kg / 8 hours.
Sizes: 160cm*110cm*120cm
Fuel: Propane
Consumption: 3-4kg / hour (depending on the heating temperature)
Volume: 0.4m3 (0.3+0.1)
Control: mechanical (flare ignition)
Weight without gas ballon: 220 kg

TICAB Manufacturer of road machines: bitumen emulsion sprayers, crack sealing mahines, asphalt recyclers, street vacuum cleaners, universal loaders and other road machines. The highest European quality, competitive prices. If we do not have an official representative office in your country, we are looking for a distributor there! We are looking forward to contact with you!
Apresentar todo o comentário
Мобильный комплекс для ямочного ремонта МИРА -3 позволяет двум операторам работать и управлять процессом ямочного ремонта дорог. Данное устройство включает в себя: ИНФРАКРАСНЫЕ НАГРЕВАТЕЛИ АСФАЛЬТА для подготовки необходимого участка, МИНИ-РЕЦИКЛЕР для регенерации кускового асфальта и ГУДРОНАТОР – распылитель битумных эмульсий. Обеспечивает полный цикл технологии ремонта асфальта при помощи инфракрасного нагрева.
Технология включает следующие этапы:

1.Разогрев поверхности дорожной карты и скарификация граблями
2.Дополнение свежего асфальта из рециклера
3.Обогащение битумной эмульсией при помощи ручного распылителя гудронатора
4.Уплотнение ремонтируемого участка виброплитой или катком

Средняя производительность MIRA-3 - до 70-100 м2 (в зависимости от средней производительности рециклера RA-500).
MIRA-3 продается на раме. MIRA-3 может быть установлена на прицепе с помощью специального крепления.
Технические характеристики МИРА-3:
- Топливо газ пропан.
- Расход газа 10-12 кг/час.
- Поверхность нагрева 1030 х 1800 мм.
- Вес: 850 кг.
A presente oferta tem caráter meramente informativo. Para mais informações, queira contactar o vendedor.
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